
Monday, August 16, 2010

Epic Legacy 1.2: Not Him Again

Whee. Guess who? I've shut Valentina up, so I'll be full narrator mode here.

Bring bring. Valentina's at her work place. She's just been informed that her boss is Xander Clavell. "A man!" she exclaims, throwing her remaining hand in the air. "Um, what?" the confused accomplice replies. "Oh, never mind," Valentina replies, biting her lower lip in angst.

Valentina stands outside her boss's house, surveying it carefully. It wasn't that bad, for a criminal. It was.. fairly lively.

After being invited in, she runs up the stairs and sees her "prey". A man with horrible fashion sense. She greets him politely. "Hello, how's that criminal job going?" she asks him, hoping for a clever answer. "Like sparkly diamonds," Xander replies, subconsioucly flexing his muscles for his accomplice to see.

"So, what are your interests?" Valentina asks, becoming less interested with him. "Boxing. I love to throw punches at people!" He demonstrates it in the air and Valentina tries to keep her distance. And they call me dumb!

She gives him a flirt to try it out and it works perfectly. Unfortunately, she doesn't like his fashion sense. Well, too bad. RUN AWAY!!!!

Ahem, sorry. She took my advice and hotfooted over to the library where she encounted Simis Bachelor. She wouldn't bear his babies even if she had to kill herself not to.

"UmyeahIbettergoifyouknowwhatImean," Valentina blurts out and dashes to the Exit door.

She puts on a surprised face as she runs. Where is she running to? The Llama Memorial Stadium, perhaps? No, that can't be. Nothing's on now. Maybe back to Xander Clavell's house? No, I don't think so.

Look both ways! Jaywalking is bad!

Oh. Here. The awesome swimming pool. All the men come here, apparently.

She paddles forward with fake determination. 

She gets out of the swimming pool. Admire at how awesome her hair stays after she swims (thanks Tumtum :P) Why is she walking out anyway?

Leighton Sekemoto. Of course. He just popped up here. I did not use a mod. Not kidding. "Well, hello Leighton, you're hot!" she thinks vulgarly.

Valentina exclaims, "Well, Leighton Sekemoto, it's just depressing that you're going to be helping me find this legacy. I have no idea why." She points to her head as she said that. Leighton inches away, probably thinking, "This girl is freaking me out."

Upon finding out they were both family-oriented, They look shyly at their shoes, or feet, for Valentina's matter. Did I mention she has toe jam?
Relax, relax. Geddout. NOW.

They talk away in the night.

The soon-to-be-couple have a picnic.
Maybe this is meant to be? But how will Leighton feel when he has the Good trait and she's in the Criminal career track?
Chapter 3 will be up soon, just wait, and again, the pic of Leighton with the VR is in another chapter, so keep thy eyes peeled! Since it's exam week, I may update anytime before Sunday. :)

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